The marble people and the monsieur

The “Galerie David d’Angers” was a calm and relaxing experience and yes, those are the best words this girl can come up with to describe the room full of sculptures she walked into this afternoon.


Calm and relaxed were the sculptures alright, their expressions forever frozen in time. For our girl, it was like walking into to an-old-times ballroom. All the messieurs were properly dressed, all of high regard, with some exceptions of course (for example the man in the middle of the above photo is obviously missing a shirt).

She spoke to the better looking ones, the ones that didn’t seem like the arrogant nobles of their time, read all about their lives on their little descriptive signs beneath their feet and mocked some of their grand gestures (behind their backs of course).


Her favorite sculpture was that of Jean Bart, mostly because his descriptive plate read that “his life is worthy of an adventure novel.” Now if that doesn’t impress the ladies, she didn’t know what would. Also, he looked like a musketeer. And he was a captain. AND he fought many battles, before being ennobled by king Louis XIV, according to his… uh… resume.

It can’t be seen in the photo, but the monsieur Bart is holding a pistol behind his back. Our girl found that adventurously exciting.

(Parenthetical feedback for the sculptor: you made Bart’s head too big – that is all.)

All marble sculptures, despite being massive, fit very well into that one room and harmonized beautifully with their surrounding white-bricked walls.


She definitely took her time in that small museum and when she found the second floor, she couldn’t resist sitting in the seats they had prepared for visiting artists. She knew she was no artist but she sat on that cushiony black stool, all the same, and drew for an hour and a half. Her mind was tranquilly free of all her worries and she just drew lines. All the lines.

The result? Something quite silly. Like I said, she’s no artist and she knows that. She hopes that the amount of fun she had trying to figure out how to proportion the impossible window, will compensate for the outcome which you can see on the left.

She even signed it… oh, that silly girl.

Just looking at her own art is making her giggle, so it’s rather okay that it looks so… amateur-like. She quite doesn’t mind and hopes you won’t either.


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